Words related to category: Ts-N Kinship Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
agwi'o'os second cousin | Gisbutwada Blackfish clan | goo relatives | G̱a̱nhada Raven Clan | ksi la̱xla̱x born | ksi 'waatk one's father's clan | la̱g̱a̱x'lihaytk stand in two clans | la̱g̱a̱xna̱ks person who has two wives/husbands | La̱xsgiik Eagle clan | likspteex another clan | likswaap another house | łagyigyet people of long ago/tradition | -t'a deceased | ts'ap tribe | ts'maay barnacles/ancestors | waap building | wilaaysk relative | wil'naat'ał clan/lineage | xa̱lgyet adopt |